Серрато Паленсия - Текниконта Сарагоса прогноз на матч

16-12-2023, 18:38
Серрато Паленсия Чемпионат Испании (АКБ) Текниконта Сарагоса
Серрато Паленсия 17 декабря 14:30 Текниконта Сарагоса

On December 17, a date is set between the teams of Serrato Palencia and Tekniconta Zaragoza in the framework of the 14th round of the Spanish Championship. The history of the confrontation between these teams has two meetings, where so far there is parity.

Approximate values on the Serrato Palencia - Tekniconta Zaragoza map:

"Serrato Palencia": Browning, Benit - Whittington - Pasechniks

"Teknikonta Zaragoza": Bell-Ains - Gonzalez, Sit - Suleimanovich - Review

Statistical Guide to the Serrato Palencia - Tekniconta Zaragoza match:

“Palencia” is a series of defeats, which consists of all the games. The visitors have won three of their last four matches. We suggest adding a version of the “Technicont of Zaragoza”

“Zaragoza” scores 83.1 points in the middle of the game. Palencia concedes more than 90 points in five rounds in a row. You can look at the individual indicator of “Teknonta Zaragoza" more (82.5)

An example for the Serrato Palencia - Teknonta Zaragoza match:

“Palencia, unlike Zaragoza, has already managed to score 14 points in the ninth season of the AKB, no one remembers the victory for them. The hosts are the only club in this Spanish Championship draw who have ten or more defeats. At the moment, the hosts have 13 losses on their account. Although Zaragoza is in the second half of the standings, they managed to beat Barcelona itself 101-99 in the last round. The visitors have six defeats in six away games, so with whom, if not with Palencia, to correct this situation. We take on the “Techniconta Zaragoza”

“Palencia and Zaragoza were able to meet each other twice before the start of the new season, somewhere in one of the major cities the drop was 86 hours. Zaragoza scored as many as 101 points against Barcelona in the 13th round, a great result. Palencia conceded 101 points from Valencia in the previous home game. Our forecast is that the individual indicator of Technicont Zaragoza is higher (82.5)

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